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THis is whAT yOU neED to KNoe ABout PHiNE

The history of the Phine ones. well it all started back in the day, when Ian and Matt were talking one day and Ian said we should start a band. Matt agreed. immediately they
began searching for talented musictions. They found that mutual friend Nick owned a drum set, and had great potential. thought they were set and begain to write and work on some songs. but then the darkest day in the history of the woodbridge valley music scene, the book of promise ( with the songs in it) was stolen and destroyed. While trying to remember what they wrote matt's brother andy asked to join the band, and was granted enterence after a shot period of consideration and they begain to practice.
they were booked when it was defenatly to early in ther career for it. Then they began to practice and hopefully save there career. "we played we sucked" said Andy. can they servive this tradegdy??????
the story continues...
with the additions and subtractions of dan (vocals, guitar)
and nick(drums) phine was out of luck for 2 months then they met matt, and phine was reformed, and revamped.. the story coninues....


Matt (tims friend)


Andy (hopeless romantic)


Matt (The most fun to tickel)

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